Initially scheduled to take place at the URBACT Program headquarters in Paris, the Kairós project, led by the City of Mula, relaunches its activities for Phase 2 with several days of online meetings with the URBACT Secretariat to define new Operational strategies urged by the Covid-19 pandemic that in one measure or another has affected all participating networks.Although mobility between European countries is intrinsic to the spirit of URBACT, extreme caution is recommended in resuming relevant travel.
Consequently, the Kairós project has opted to replace until the end of this year the trips for holding the transnational workshops and study visits already scheduled for regular online meetings with the project partners.
The necessary reprogramming will reinforce and deepen the knowledge of the thematic contents and will therefore optimize the planned international meetings as soon as they can take place.We always have Paris, but for now we will be content with Zoom !!For any information in this regard, please contact
Source: Ayuntamiento de Mula