The parliamentary spokesman, Óscar Urralburu, met on Tuesday with representatives of Mula for his Castle to know the current state of efforts around this monument.
We can request the appearance of Noelia Arroyo to explain what the regional executive is doing to "recover and return the castle to muleños and muleñas."
We consider that the expropriation is the only way to save the Castle of Mula.
Urralburu has said that the members of this citizen platform have transferred the "desidia" with which the regional government is dealing with the issue of the castle.
Therefore, the spokesman of We in the Assembly will ask the Minister of Culture about the master plan needed to recover the castle and that it become "a tourist engine, generate employment, for the whole area."
This is a claim and a right of "all the people of Mula," said Óscar Urralburu, who added that "to unblock the matter, we can propose to include in the budgets 2017 a game destined to the castle and study to take the situation of this Regional heritage to the Congress of Deputies ".
According to Urralburu, what today "we have verified is that the abandonment of the castle is evident and, therefore, must be returned as soon as possible to its people and the Region of Murcia."
In addition, for the spokesperson of We can the road map is "clear, the family owner must comply with the law, as other citizens. The Ministry of Culture must update and initiate the files of sanction and expropriation of this Property of Interest Cultural It is essential that the sanction files by the General Directorate of Culture are executed, to officially affirm that the castle does not meet the necessary security conditions "
Source: Podemos Región de Murcia