22/10/1910 The fourth meeting of the Forum of Local Agenda 21, who traveled yesterday to the Social Hall of the El Niño de Mula, had a large participation of the residents of this parish who attended the debate and then presented various proposals on issues and deficiencies that were registered for the forum.
Regarding the Agenda, the Forum 21 was about the noise problem and discussed issues that should be included in the current municipal regulations, such as awareness campaigns and greater control of security forces in terms of vehicle noise , especially motorcycles, among other factors.
Also approved was among forum members to submit amendments to the proposed municipal ordinance Mula radio telephone antennas.
Some of the issues discussed by the neighbors regarding the status of El Niño, collected petitions on measures to reduce the speed of vehicles passing through the town, lack of lighting on roads as Cañaílla or Heron, permission to use the courtyard of the old school or new adaptation of the Child Sports Track for various games.
Also requested more maintenance of drainage channels rainwater because the road is flooded and debris of stones and mud when it rains, as well as greater control over the operation of traffic lights and increased police presence in terms of safety and traffic concerns.
It was also about the lack of coverage for mobile telephony and the Internet in the Child, on what is requested action be taken timely and correct and that currently there is a base out of service and close proximity to housing been asked is definitively withdrawn.
All these requests were collected and will be discussed by the board and forwarded to relevant departments to find solutions to them.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Mula