Have been performed by two house searches were recovered from the effects stolen and tunic he wore an author in the commission of robbery
The detainee has a history of committing similar crimes
The Civil Guard has developed a research under the operation "TUNIC" aimed at clarifying a robbery with violence and intimidation in a house of Mula, which has resulted in the arrest of a person recovering from the effects stolen.
During the night last Friday, the day 06, one of the people dressed in robes, as is tradition in the town at that time, took the confidence of his attire to enter the home of a elderly person and commit a robbery with violence.
The homeowner, a 83 year old man, suffered a serious assault by the suspect, who used violence to being beaten and finally took a television, a watch and a mobile phone, giving the subsequent leakage.
Following the assault, the 83 year old man seriously injured and had to be rushed to hospital in the Arrixaca of Murcia, where he had to undergo surgery with poor prognosis.
The Civil Guard established a research device, comprising conducting a thorough technical inspection eye and various efforts to obtain all possible information about this crime.
Fruit of the device, the Civil Guard came to the alleged perpetrator of this theft.
Once obtained all necessary evidence developed the operational phase of the operation, with the arrest and subsequent remand in custody of the alleged perpetrator and the practice of entering and searching in two buildings frequented by the suspect were recovered from the effects removed and the clothes he wore in the commission of the robbery.
As part of this operation has proceeded to the arrest of a person on suspicion of offenses of robbery with violence and intimidation and serious injuries, identified as:
- Spanish, 27-year-old resident of Mula.
The detainee has a history of committing similar crimes.
Effects seized:
Performed in house searches have seized the following effects:
TV stolen.
Robe he wore the alleged perpetrator in committing the theft.
The detainee, effects seized and the proceedings initiated have been made available to the Court of Instruction No. 2 of Mula (Murcia), which has decreed the imprisonment of the detainee.
Source: Ministerio del Interior