IU-Greens presented at the Regional Assembly of Murcia a letter to the Minister of Agriculture and Water, Antonio Cerdá question about "worrying" hydrological situation of the Mula river passing by Campos del Río and Albudeite.
Training has seen firsthand, through two separate held with affected municipalities interviews that the flows of the river Mula, already scarce, are "non-existent" Mula downstream, which is a "double jeopardy".
According to IU-Greens on the one hand, does not allow irrigation of Campos del Río use of irrigation water flows to which they are entitled, which, coupled with the drought, cause "serious prejudice" to Grove area.
And on the other, is an injury to the environmental values ​​of a wetland, loss of plant and animal biodiversity.
IU-Green has asked the Minister to require the Central Government emergency measures for temporary problem resolution, enabling the existence of ecological flow from the swamp to the barrier Cierva Los Rodeos.
He also has claimed that contact with the diverse communities of the river for irrigation, urgently reach an agreement allowing the intra-basin solidarity.
"The counselor must know the current status of the draft environmental improvement of Mula River project Segura basin, which was launched four years ago and that, or is not fully developed, or are having some results clearly insufficient, "he added.
Source: IURM